Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Final CQ Update...

Yes, I've finally finished the CQ block.  I expect this will be my last post concerning crazy quilting for quite some time.  It is a labor and time intensive hobby that a lot of people are 'crazy' about.  After having tried it, I can report that I don't think I'm one of them.  I much prefer to admire other people's efforts.  Here is the block with all the patches and seams completed...

Finished CQ block

As I mentioned before, I intended to added some Hyacinths to the final block.  These flowers are made using a bunch of Looped Ribbon stitches with 4mm silk ribbon.  The stems are Twisted Straight stitches and the leaves are a combination of Ribbon stitches and Folded Ribbon stitches.  Both the leaves and stems were made with 7mm silk ribbon in shades of green.

Patch #11 - Dutch Hyacinths and caterpillar

All that was left was to finish the edges and put a backing on it.  I wasn't certain how to go about it.  It's a pretty heavy block with all the beads, charms and ribbon.  I have a friend who has had several of her pieces framed.  I thought that was a good idea but couldn't find a frame that would work with these dimensions.  The block finished at 11.25" square.

So I asked Mr. Quilting Bug to cut me a thin piece of wood 12" square.  I added a border to the block out of a green velvet.  I stitched a backing to 3 sides, turned it right side out and inserted the piece of wood.  I then hand stitched the opening closed.  If Elaine would like to do something different with it, she can easily remove the wood.  Or she can hang the finished piece on a wall or set it on a stand.  Whatever she fancies.

Finished CQ block

Some lessons learned -

1. CQ is not a cheap hobby and (for me) it takes up a lot of space.  Mr. Quilting Bug has put up with quite a bit of clutter in the living room for the past month or so while I worked on this.  There are books, ribbons, charms, beads, needles, thread and other assorted paraphernalia. 
2.  You can create some very lifelike flora and fauna using silk ribbon.  There were several techniques I had always wanted to try and making this block gave me the chance to do so.
3.  This is not a good stash busting hobby.  Although you have the opportunity to buy a bunch of different embellishments, you don't need a lot of fabric.  And I find that I really like fabric and lots of it.

So while I enjoyed myself and learned a lot, this is unlikely to turn into a passion of mine.  But every time I see a crazy quilt in a quilt show now, I'm going to have a much better appreciation of the time and effort involved in making one.

Another picture of Jack.  Lately she's taken to rushing the camera when she sees it.

Until later...

"If you wait for perfect conditions, you'll never get anything done!" 
Ecclesiastes 11:4 (LB)


  1. You have sailed high in the sky for this project! You have created a beautiful piece of art because you made it with your heart!

    I love the finished piece and Elaine will too!

    You have truly done a fantastic job for your 1st ever CQ piece!

  2. One of these days I want to try a crazy quilt block -- but am not sure if I should even start down that path! LOL
    That picture of Jack made me laugh out loud -- it's adorable!


I hope you're having a blessed day! Thanks for stopping by.